Version 2.2 Changelog

- Arlen
- Route Seven
- Avaros Mountain
Graphics quality update
- Overall game and framerate performance has been improved, you will experience a lot less lag than before
- Trees and grass tiles have been updated on most maps
- Backsprites in battle will no longer be "half pixely"
- New weather effects have been added to some maps to add more detail
New Content
- 2 new story chapters have been added, Chapters 20 and 21
- Level cap has been increased to 45
- 16 New Regional Variants/Species (150 Total now)
- 6 New story areas to explore
- New Gamemode, Monotype (See more details below)
Updated Content
- Almost all regional variants have been properly rebalanced
- The Virtual Arena has been removed! Instead, "Super Fans" can be found all over the region. They will look like old gym leaders and use similar teams as them. Defeating one rewards you with Trainer Score, Trainer Points, and a TR which you can buy more of from them for Trainer Points.
- At the end of some numbered routes, an Ace Trainer with some powerful Pokemon will challenge you (This is disabled on casual mode)
- The Pokewheel has been removed. Instead, starters can be purchased for Trainer Points in various locations.
- The stone shop has been disabled, it will return later
- Eevee's evolution method has been changed, it will evolve when leveled to 32 when holding the corresponding gem to the type you want (all of them can be purchased from Pokemon centers)
- You can now choose if you want to set the Ability, Nature, and hidden power type (which is not tied to IV's anymore) when you catch or receive a Pokemon.
- Encounter rates have been lowered
Early game updates
- The PC can now be accessed from Destiny's room
- Berries that resist the type of the next boss can be found in routes beforehand
- Many encounters have been altered for Monoruns
- The first grunt fight has been changed for Monoruns
Map Updates
- An NPC with a "Portable Pokemon Storage" will be placed on routes to avoid unnecessary backtracking
- Route Seven and Avaros Mountain have been extended
- A new segment of Riverside Cross has been added that can be accessed after obtaining rock smash (CH14)
- Arlen has been split into two maps to reduce framerate drops
Expert mode
- Doubles mode is now forced in expert mode
- Items can no longer be used in battle
- After Chapter 7, some important fights will have access to mega evolutions (I am completely open to changing this if it gets out of hand, honestly the AI still sucks so I guess we'll see..)
Monotype Challenge
- When you start a new save, you will be asked if you would like to do a "Monorun".
- A Monorun forces the player to use only Pokemon that are the selected type.
- Pre-evolutions can still be used, for example: if you choose to do a fire mono, you can still use Eevee because it can evolve into Flareon.
- This can always be disabled later, but it can not be re-enabled.
- Encounters have been modified to account for monoruns, a few are still a bit bad early game (Ice, Sound) but I'm open to changes down the road.
- Nincada has been added to the starter pool to account for Mono-bug runs.
- Trade NPC's in monoruns will instead just give you the Pokemon (since the traded Pokemon might be restricted)
- A full monotype guide will soon be available on the spreadsheet guide.