Hello everyone, in this post I'll be answering some questions that were asked in the feedback survey! There were a lot of them, so I tried my best to answer the most important ones.

What was your inspiration for the story?
The plot was originally inspired by my desire to write something that hasn't really been done before with Pokemon. Sure, you can probably see some similarities i a lot of other fangames, especially early on. But I feel as you progress further and further people start to see how unique it really is. The piece of media that had a pretty big impact on the story was My Hero Academia. It is one of my favorite anime, and what originally drove me to completely restart Vanguard halfway through 2021. Although, I'd say after Chapter 9 is when I started to diverge away from that and started to really figure out how I wanted the story to play out
How long will the game be/how many chapters?
The rough estimate is about 60 chapters with Five Acts. The story past Act III has all it's major events planned and I know how and when I am going to end it.
Will you add the non-regional forms of the Pokemon that have regionals? For like 99% of them, no. There are already 1000 Pokemon, on top of the fakemon we are going to continue to add. We simply can't afford to account for everyone's favorite Pokemon.
Will you continue to rework old chapters? Absolutely, but doing so takes a lot of work and mental effort, so I don't think the next version will have very many changes to old story content. I would however like to make changes to Chapter 27, especially the big cutscene.
What was your most favorite part to work on so far?
Probably the Arlen Story Arc rework (chapters 7, 8 and 9) Being able to write and introduce so many new characters in such a short period of time was very fun. Also I really think I nailed the city overworld. Will you add more regional forms of generation 8 and 9 Pokemon? There isn't really a pattern to what mons get regional variants or new evolutions. Ideas sort of get thrown around in a discord channel until one of them gets realized.
Will there ever be multiplayer/ways to trade or battle with others
Will Terastilization be added? No, we have enough gimmicky stuff with the custom moves, abilities, regional forms, megas, and Fakemon.
What is your favorite battle theme in the game?
End of Chapter 14 important character fight :)
Will there be romance in the game? Do I need to make Calvin and Rylas any more obvious? Like c'mon guys...
How big will the game map be? :) What's your favorite regional variant? Cyndaquil
Who is your favorite character?
What is your favorite Fangame?
When do you think the game will be comple- IDK!!!!!!!!
What happened to the other 2 Ameliera cousins in the old versions? (2.3)
They were not necessary for the plot, so I axed them.
Will the regionals that are mostly recolors get resprited?
Yes, a few already have, but keep in mind that this takes time and can't happen all at once.
Will you add following pokemon?
No, there are way too many regional forms that we would have to make sprites for.
Any news on the next update?
Gimme a few days :3
Will there be dialogue choices?
No, the story will be completely linear.
How long does it take to write the story It depends, I usually write the script for the set of chapters in a word doc then event it all in game. So maybe a few days worth of writing for each chapter, but the eventing takes longer. How do you feel about the feedback your community gives you? I appreciate the feedback I get, even when it's somewhat negative. But I think some people need to remember that we all work on this game for free and I'm not going to change/remove fundamental aspects of the game, like the level cap for example, because some players don't like it. Okay, that's it for the questions. I purposely didn't answer any plot related questions, you'll have to figure those out on your own :)